Courses Taught
Research Interests
The Word-hoard Beowulf: A Translation with Commentary. Angelico Press, 2023.
“St. Beowulf: Hagiography and Heroic Identity in Beowulf.” Studies in Philology, 121/1, Winter 2024 (pp. 1-27).
“Reconstructing Early Beowulf: The Evidence from Andreas for the 9th-Century Form of the Text,” Modern Philology. February 2023 (volume 120, no. 3). https://doi.org/10.1086/723178
“Problems with the Dramatic Irony Theory of Beowulf,” ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews (Spring 2022). DOI: 10.1080/0895769X.2022.2043141
“Crafting Strangeness: Wonder Terminology in the Exeter Book Riddles and the Anglo-Latin Enigmata.” Review of English Studies 69.289 (2017): 201-15.
“The Riddle of Beauty: The Aesthetics of Wr?tlic in Old English Verse.” Modern Philology 114.3 (2017): 457-81.
“The Poetics of Caxton’s ‘Publique’: The Construction of Audience in the Prologues of William Caxton.” English Studies 96.7 (2015): 731-46.
“Writing Speaks: Oral Poetics and Writing Technology in the Exeter Book Riddles.” Philological Quarterly 92.3 (2013): 335-56.
“The Audience-Interactive Games of the Middle English Religious Drama.” Comparative Drama 47.1 (2013): 55-83.
“Variation and the Poetics of Oral Performance in C?dmon’s Hymn.” Neophilologus 96.3 (2012): 441-56.
“Beowulf’s Singers of Tales as Hyperlinks.” Oral Tradition 26.2 (2011): 619-24.
“Oral Theory and Medieval Literature.” Co-authored with John Miles Foley. Medieval Oral Literature. Ed. Karl Reichl. 71-102. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2011.