Caption: Far left, Northern Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Mike Wanous stands with the winners of the senior math division from the 2023 math contest. From left in order of placing, Sami Winker, Catie Neumann, Max Lightfield, Cassidy Terwilliger, and Kate Conner.
ABERDEEN, S.D. – Northern State University will host the 69th Annual Mathematics Contest on Thursday, April 18 at the Barnett Center, with an awards ceremony to follow at 1 p.m. High school students from around the area are invited to compete in one of four divisions: elementary algebra, geometry, advanced algebra, and senior math. Students interested in competing should have their math teacher contact Dr. Stacy Trentham, Northern associate professor of mathematics and contest director, at stacy.trentham@northern.edu before April 1.
Trentham estimates roughly 500 contestants from 25 area schools across South Dakota, North Dakota and Minnesota will participate in the event. Assisting with the event are Northern mathematics faculty Dr. Ricardo Rojas and Dr. Travis Trentham.
Medals will be awarded to the top five finishers in each division and a plaque will be presented to the coach of each first-place winner. The school in each class having the highest percentage combined score across all four divisions will be awarded a traveling trophy. Milbank High School currently holds the Class A/AA trophy and Hankinson High School has the Class B trophy.