Employee Directory

Guangwei Ding

Professor of Chemistry

  1. 605-626-3167

Amy Dolan

Associate Professor of Biology/STEM Outreach Coordinator

  1. 605-626-2620

John Long

Associate Professor of Environmental Physics/Chair, Department of Science and Mathematics

  1. 605-626-2629

Jon Mitchell

Professor of Biochemistry

  1. 605-626-2458

George Nora

Associate Professor of Chemistry/Safety Officer

  1. 605-626-2471

Eric Pulis

Associate Professor of Biology, Coordinator of Student Research

  1. 605-626-2600

Kelly Pulis

Biology Lab Manager

  1. 605-626-3437

Jodie Ramsay

Professor of Biology/Science Fair Director

  1. 605-626-3384

Brad Richardson

Instructor of Environmental Science

  1. 605-626-3430