NSU Fine Arts Scholarship ApplicationSee All Art Scholarships

Incoming freshmen and transfer students may submit a completed NSU Fine Arts Scholarship Application for a limited number of art scholarships. As part of your scholarship application, you're required to submit a portfolio of 10 images of your work. As a guide, see this Sample Portfolio.


Portfolio Instructions

1.    Create a PowerPoint document with 10 images of your work, labeled with title, material, dimensions, and year

2.    Save the PowerPoint as a PDF

3.    Create a Dropbox account

4.    Upload file and share with epiphany.knedler@northern.edu


Current NSU art students in good standing are eligible to apply for variety of scholarships administered annually by the art department. For scholarship information and an application, please refer to the D2L Sandbox: NSU Art Department Majors - NSU Art Department Majors. Contact the art department at nsuartdept@northern.edu or stop by SP 206 with any questions or issues you may have accessing the D2L box.  .


For more information or assistance, please contact the School of Fine Arts at 605-626-2497.

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